Tips for Successful Onboarding of New Employees Using ZEP (ft. HR Managers) ✍️

What is Onboarding? 🧐

Onboarding refers to the process of supporting new employees to settle well into the organization.

Companies operate onboarding programs to ensure new hires can adapt well to the organization. However, Many companies replace the onboarding process with new employee training that merely offers a simple introduction to the company and its duties.

The Growing Importance of Onboarding Process for New Employees 🎯

According to the ‘Candidate Experience 2023’ report by the Germany-based HR solution company Softgarden, 21% of people leave their job within the first 100 days of employment. This figure has nearly doubled over the past five years.

So, why do new employees leave their jobs? Over half cited the gap between what was promised during the application stage and the reality of the job (70.5%), incompetent or unlikable managers (66.6%), and inadequate onboarding programs (56.7%) as reasons.

If new employees cannot adapt to the organization, it can lead to decreased job engagement and an inability to fully utilize their skills, potentially leading to significant financial losses. Therefore, it is essential to enhance their sense of belonging and understanding of the organization through systematic onboarding programs.

Moreover, Kirill Mankovsky, the general manager of Softgarden, advised, “Employers should understand onboarding as an essential part of recruitment and improve it to meet the objectives,” and “Employers should define standards, roles, and actions throughout the onboarding phase and provide information and support services to new employees.”

Educating New Employees with ZEP! 👔

신입사원의 성공적인 온보딩을 돕는 ZEP 활용 노하우 (ft. HR 담당자) ✍️

Kookmin Bank has conducted new employee training using ZEP! Education content was delivered using the auditorium and teamZONE, where teams collaborated on assignments and presentations.

🏢 Star*D Hall, Where Everyone Can Attend the Training

In Star*D Hall, a brief introduction to the training program for new employees was conducted. ZEP allows everyone to connect simultaneously and use the same space, so there’s no need to worry about difficulties in conducting non-face-to-face programs due to the large number of new employees.

📝 TeamZONE for Team Project Execution

In TeamZONE, new employees prepared and presented team projects by discussing with their team members in spaces designated for each team. The team project activities were concluded after creating a PPT and presenting it.

Thus, several companies are already conducting new employee training programs using ZEP. However, onboarding can be seen as a long-term project that goes beyond short-term new employee training, spanning several months to a year.

“Then, can’t we use ZEP in the onboarding process to help new employees adapt and enhance their job skills?” 🪄

Tips for Using ZEP in New Employee Onboarding 📖

Your company may already have an existing curriculum. Plan a systematic onboarding program by adding ZEP’s features to your existing content framework. Let me introduce you to the ZEP features for a successful onboarding program!

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🗂️ ‘Company Life Guidebook’ Always Accessible Through File Sharing

You can share various files or screens, and embed materials on the map. Share files containing the company’s goals and vision, culture fit, collaboration tools, and welfare systems so that new employees can access them anytime. This allows them to learn more about the organization they belong to.

💁‍♀️ A Free Communication Space Between New Employees and Seniors by Job Position

You can create a space where new employees can freely communicate with seniors by job position to help them adapt well to the company.

The sound in each team space is not heard outside! New employees inevitably have many concerns and worries about their new company and job. Why not create a corporate culture where new employees can seek advice from their seniors using this feature?

🔗 Competency Training Using Various Media such as YouTube, Photos, and Whiteboard

It is necessary to conduct various trainings to enhance the job skills of new employees.

With ZEP, you can conduct training using various media tailored to the purpose and activities of each training. If you need video materials during training, connecting a YouTube link to an object allows everyone to watch the video without sharing the screen separately. Also, you can conduct team project-based training using the whiteboard!

In an era where onboarding is essential to help new employees settle into the organization, try directly observing the enhancement of their organizational adaptation and job competencies through onboarding with ZEP instead of replacing the onboarding process with new employee orientation (OT). ✨

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