Easy way to get career counseling ✍ _middle school
In the case of students, they may have the experience of not being able to
ask everything because they were embarrassed to become honest.
However, what if the students don’t have to worry about that?
In the last article, I introduced Gumi High School’s ZEP space.
They made counseling space so that students can feel free to get it.
This time, I brought a middle school example!
Sukjeon Middle School also made a space
that allows students can get counseling comfortably.
The campus of Sukjeon Middle School 🏤

This is the campus of Sukjeon Middle School. 🤩
Shall we ride a motorized scooter again to look around campus?

Even a small point like this seems to be a factor that attracts students. 😎
It adds a sense of reality as well!

This is the map of Sukjeon Middle School.
The AI career counseling office we’re looking for is in the main building.
Let’s go in right away!
AI Career Counseling Room 💌

When you enter the main hall, you can find the directions to the room.

If you follow the directions to the second floor, you can find it easily.

Here is the counseling room for students.
Of course, the category is different,
but it looks almost the same as Gumi High School.
They have an AI Chatbot Dami as well!
You can explore careers, careers, and majors with AI Chatbot Dami.
What’s more? You can get advice on how to study each subject.
Or even have fun with Dami. 🤗
Just click what you want!

As you can see, Sukjeon Middle School made a metaverse space for students.
It can be the best way to attract students who are hesitant to counsel.
If you are interested in today’s article,
click the link below and try ZEP out!