HR Teams, Pay Attention💡The Reason Your Planned Workshop Is Just a Series of Yawns (Workshop in ZEP)
Have the internal events you’ve been planning truly satisfied your employees? 🤔
Q. Was the workshop I planned really satisfying?
According to a survey of 586 employees,
the welfare program considered unnecessary was ‘Internal Events’.

The reason for dissatisfaction comes from a lack of ‘fun’.
In a follow-up survey on the perception of workshops and internal events with 749 participants, the majority response was ‘boring’.

However, from the organizer’s point of view, workshops are not exactly welcome 😵
They are hard to prepare, stressful, and time-consuming.
물론 온라인 워크샵도 고려해보지만 , 오프라인과 각각의 장단점이 분명하기에 결정하기가 쉽지 않습니다🤔
Online ➡️ One-way communication style, participation issues
🚨 Offline➡️High time and cost, participation burden
But what if there were an online platform that could overcome the disadvantages of both online and offline, and also add fun?
Now, make it dopamine-fueled and entertaining with ZEP Space!
1️⃣ Easier
2️⃣ More fun
3️⃣ Accessible for everyone

1️⃣ Easier
✅ No need for a separate event space Let’s meet in ZEP 😊
✅ Prepared key spaces like halls, small group spaces, lobbies, GAME ZONE
✅ Capable of accommodating up to 150,000 people simultaneously!
✅ Significant cost savings compared to offline!

2️⃣ More Fun
✅ Numerous game contents are prepared 🕹️🎮
✅ You can refresh the atmosphere of the event with intermittent fun games!
(Boost concentration 🆙)

✅ Exciting prize drawing contents through ZEP’s random drawing feature🎁

✅ Whisper, whisper! Install private tiles for conversations that can’t be heard outside a certain area, and only among us!🔊

3️⃣ Accessible for Everyone
✅ This is an online space! Even MBTI I types can actively participate

✅ Accessible on any device, with just one link
✅ No problem for remote working employees! Participation possible
✅ From Assistant Kim to the department head! Easy to use for everyone

Still hesitating?
Many companies are already utilizing ZEP!
Turn boring events into fun with the metaverse ZEP!
If you’re interested in building a space for our company event, please contact us through the link below!