Public Institution Innovation and Support for Financially Vulnerable Groups: Catching Two Rabbits🐰 with the Financial Services for the Underprivileged Online Education

💡 Public Institution Innovation Guidelines and Support Projects for Financially Vulnerable Groups

서민금융진흥원 건물 서금원 서민금융진흥원 위치 
서민금융진흥원 온라인교육 서민금융진흥원 앱 
서민금융진흥원 햇살론 서민금융진흥원 채용
서민금융진흥원 고객센터 공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 2023
공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 공공기관 혁신우수사례
공공기관 혁신 교육 공공기관 혁신과제
금융교육 e금융교육센터 금융 교육 프로그램
온라인 교육 사이트 온라인 교육 플랫폼 순위 
취약계층 지원 사업 금융취약계층 금융 취약계층 금융 지원 사업

In 2022, the Ministry of Economy and Finance announced the ‘Public Institution Innovation Guidelines 2023’ to enhance the productivity and efficiency of public institutions, including personnel and operating expense reductions, and downsizing non-core tasks. Moreover, as societal awareness of the challenges faced by financially vulnerable groups, such as lack of financial information, increased, the need for financial education also emerged prominently.

There’s a successful example that achieved both public institution innovation and support for financially vulnerable groups👍, which is the online education by the Financial Services for the Underprivileged in collaboration with ZEP! Let’s take a closer look at how the Financial Services for the Underprivileged utilized ZEP and consider how we can apply this to our public institution innovation tasks❗


👇Click on the titles in the table of contents to jump to the section you want!

1️⃣A Successful Case of Metaverse Utilization by the Financial Services for the Underprivileged

서민금융진흥원 건물 서금원 서민금융진흥원 위치 
서민금융진흥원 온라인교육 서민금융진흥원 앱 
서민금융진흥원 햇살론 서민금융진흥원 채용
서민금융진흥원 고객센터 공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 2023
공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 공공기관 혁신우수사례
공공기관 혁신 교육 공공기관 혁신과제
금융교육 e금융교육센터 금융 교육 프로그램
온라인 교육 사이트 온라인 교육 플랫폼 순위 
취약계층 지원 사업 금융취약계층 금융 취약계층 금융 지원 사업

💰 Limitations of Existing Support Projects for Financially Vulnerable Groups

The Financial Services for the Underprivileged conduct visits and online education for financially vulnerable groups and offer separate counseling services. However, no matter how important the education is, if students do not find it interesting, it’s hard to expect high effectiveness from the education.😮‍💨

Moreover, to provide support projects to more young people, online education is cost-effective, but the limitations of non-face-to-face interactions make in-depth counseling difficult, and proceeding with all face-to-face education involves significant costs, manpower, and time. But what if there was an online education platform that could reduce the cost burden and overcome the limitations of non-face-to-face counseling? It’s possible with ZEP! 😉

서민금융진흥원 건물 서금원 서민금융진흥원 위치 
서민금융진흥원 온라인교육 서민금융진흥원 앱 
서민금융진흥원 햇살론 서민금융진흥원 채용
서민금융진흥원 고객센터 공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 2023
공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 공공기관 혁신우수사례
공공기관 혁신 교육 공공기관 혁신과제
금융교육 e금융교육센터 금융 교육 프로그램
온라인 교육 사이트 온라인 교육 플랫폼 순위 
취약계층 지원 사업 금융취약계층 금융 취약계층 금융 지원 사업

👍 Low-Cost, High-Efficiency Outcomes Possible

You might think the metaverse is too complicated or costly to start with?

Don’t worry! With ZEP, access is as simple as clicking a link🔗, and if you can operate arrow keys on a keyboard, anyone can use it easily. Plus, once a metaverse space is built on ZEP, it’s continuously usable. Since it’s not a one-time thing but rather can be used long-term, it’s much more economical than continuously hosting offline events.💰 In fact, many companies and public institutions are regularly utilizing spaces previously built on ZEP❗

Now, let’s take a closer look by exploring the Financial Services for the Underprivileged’s Metaverse Financial World! 🥰

2️⃣ Exploring the Financial Services for the Underprivileged Metaverse

서민금융진흥원 건물 서금원 서민금융진흥원 위치 
서민금융진흥원 온라인교육 서민금융진흥원 앱 
서민금융진흥원 햇살론 서민금융진흥원 채용
서민금융진흥원 고객센터 공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 2023
공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 공공기관 혁신우수사례
공공기관 혁신 교육 공공기관 혁신과제
금융교육 e금융교육센터 금융 교육 프로그램
온라인 교육 사이트 온라인 교육 플랫폼 순위 
취약계층 지원 사업 금융취약계층 금융 취약계층 금융 지원 사업
메타버스 ZEP 서민금융진흥원 메타버스 게더타운 
공공기관 메타버스 활용 사례 메타버스 성공 사례 메타버스 도입 문의

🏢 Financial World Plaza of the Financial Services for the Underprivileged

This is the view of the Financial World Plaza you arrive at through the link. Kiosk objects🪧provide basic operation guidance, a guest book for sharing reviews, and announcements through external websites! Following the lobby’s instructions, you can move to the next spaces like the Financial Camp, Financial Cinema, and Financial Campus! Using ZEP’s portal feature🕳️, you can move directly with a single F click without needing to reconnect through another link.

서민금융진흥원 건물 서금원 서민금융진흥원 위치 
서민금융진흥원 온라인교육 서민금융진흥원 앱 
서민금융진흥원 햇살론 서민금융진흥원 채용
서민금융진흥원 고객센터 공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 2023
공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 공공기관 혁신우수사례
공공기관 혁신 교육 공공기관 혁신과제
금융교육 e금융교육센터 금융 교육 프로그램
온라인 교육 사이트 온라인 교육 플랫폼 순위 
취약계층 지원 사업 금융취약계층 금융 취약계층 금융 지원 사업
메타버스 ZEP 서민금융진흥원 메타버스 게더타운 
공공기관 메타버스 활용 사례 메타버스 성공 사례 메타버스 도입 문의

⛺ Financial Camp of the Financial Services for the Underprivileged

The Financial Camp space is decorated to fit the camp⛺concept. Approaching character objects installed on the map displays thought bubbles💬 fitting each concept. Thought bubbles can provide information to participants or give them missions! Additionally, the Financial Services for the Underprivileged utilize object linkage functions to convey information like the history of money. At the end of the map, there’s a quiz to quickly review the information acquired🙋‍♀️.

Sitting still in a stiff classroom or on a video conferencing platform doesn’t make information stick for long. However, actively searching for information by moving an avatar in ZEP allows for more effective information acquisition😎

서민금융진흥원 건물 서금원 서민금융진흥원 위치 
서민금융진흥원 온라인교육 서민금융진흥원 앱 
서민금융진흥원 햇살론 서민금융진흥원 채용
서민금융진흥원 고객센터 공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 2023
공공기관 혁신 가이드라인 공공기관 혁신우수사례
공공기관 혁신 교육 공공기관 혁신과제
금융교육 e금융교육센터 금융 교육 프로그램
온라인 교육 사이트 온라인 교육 플랫폼 순위 
취약계층 지원 사업 금융취약계층 금융 취약계층 금융 지원 사업
메타버스 ZEP 서민금융진흥원 메타버스 게더타운 
공공기관 메타버스 활용 사례 메타버스 성공 사례 메타버스 도입 문의

🎬 Financial Cinema of the Financial Services for the Underprivileged

Fitting the cinema concept, here you can watch videos on financial life and financial literacy related to loans, pensions, and retirement planning. You can directly link original videos without going through YouTube or external sites, enjoying buffer-free viewing! 🤩

👨‍🏫 Financial Campus of the Financial Services for the Underprivileged

This space hosts live financial education by the Financial Services for the Underprivileged. You can sit in your preferred spot and join YouTube live streaming to complete the financial education. To refresh the potentially monotonous financial education, OX quiz games are also conducted!

Worried that people might just tune in online without actually listening?

With ZEP, you don’t have to worry! Utilizing the reaction feature⚙️ at the bottom center of the screen, pressing numbers 0 to 5 displays various reactions like laughter😀, crying😢, dancing💃, hearts♥️, allowing you to check if participants are following along during education or presentations! For non-moving participants, approach their avatar and press Z for a poke function to encourage participation.

If you don’t want to miss catching both rabbits, like the Financial Services for the Underprivileged?

🐰 Move away from the stiff image of public institutions to a public institution innovation success case!

🐰 Make boring financial education more fun with interesting concepts and various features!

Are you interested in planning as well? Then click the purple button below to check out the details! ZEP is always ready to transform into the space you desire🫡

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👇Click the button below to move to ‘Construction Inquiry’.

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