🤷‍♀️ Why Is Customer Retention Marketing So Important?

Customer retention marketing?

The importance of retaining existing customers in business

🌟 The essential role of the Metaverse platform in retaining existing customers

ZEP, the world’s easiest metaverse platform

🤔 Why is it so important to retain your existing customers for your business success?

1️⃣ It costs less.

As more and more competitors appear in the market,
customers’ choices are becoming more diverse.
In this situation, each company competes fiercely
to secure more new customers.

However, there is no guarantee that new customers will purchase
our products or services.
In other words, even if we spend a lot of money to secure new customers,
there is a high possibility that it will not lead to sales for our company.

However, existing customers are already familiar with information
about brands, products, and services through purchase experiences.
Therefore, the conversion rate is higher compared to new customers.

In other words, if we effectively retain existing customers,
we can expect higher conversion and purchase rates at less cost.
In fact, according to Harvard research, the purchase probability
of existing customers is up to nine times higher than that of new customers.

2️⃣ If you increase the loyalty of existing customers, sales will naturally increase.

The more repeat purchases existing customers have, the more loyal they are.
One study shows that the top 10% of loyal customers spend
three times more than the bottom 90%,
and the top 1% spend five times more than the remaining 99%.
Therefore, the more loyal customers there are, the more their purchases,
and therefore the company’s sales, will inevitably increase.

Additionally, people have aversion to advertisements distributed by companies.
On the other hand, people tend to trust more recommendations
from their friends or close people.

At this time, loyal existing customers are the first
to share products or services they have experienced
with their acquaintances, and people around them
trust the reviews of loyal customers,
making it the most effective advertisement for a company.

That is, existing customers can become advocates for the brand and product,
attracting new customers and increasing sales.

👍 An ineffective way to retain existing customers

Many companies already know how important it is to retain existing customers.
However, most of them are not effectively retaining existing customers.
The biggest reason they fail to retain existing customers
is because they fail to ‘build relationships with customers.’

In order to build positive relationships with customers,
you must be able to accept their opinions and form a consensus with them.
However, most companies are busy delivering their messages unilaterally
rather than forming a consensus with customers.
And this leads to failed existing customer retention marketing.

🤩 The most efficient way to retain existing customers with ZEP

Here is the most efficient way to retain existing customers
: Metaverse Platform, ZEP.

Numerous companies are already continuing to use ZEP
to retain existing customers.

1. Provide new experiences to customers

As the importance of SNS increases,
many companies are pouring money into content marketing
through Instagram and Facebook.
However, because there are already too many advertisements on SNS,
customers no longer feel much interest and seek new experiences.

😎 But ZEP is different! 😎

ZEP provides customers with a company-tailored experience
because the company can create spaces
to suit its brand value and event purpose.

World Vision is an NGO that helps children around the world.
World Vision is introducing a variety of businesses
by establishing its own space at ZEP.

Through this, World Vision’s sponsors can directly check
where and how their donations are being used.
In addition, through the game function provided by ZEP,

you can send food to children in actual poverty-stricken areas using ingredients obtained from the game.
Through this, existing customers can feel interested in experiencing
the company’s business differently than before! 😁

2. You can lock-in existing customers.

Unlike other platforms such as ZOOM,
ZEP provides various functions to lock-in existing customers.

Rather than simply delivering a message to customers one-way,
a company creates a positive image of the company and brand
through two-way communication with customers on ZEP.

And because this leads to building positive relationships
between companies and customers,
existing customers can be naturally locked in.

Lingtea, a company that makes hydration drinks,
uses ZEP’s guestbook function to get customer feedback on its products.
And many existing customers left various and honest feedback.

3. You can host large-scale online event.

In order to build and improve trust with existing customers,
UNICEF held a large-scale online event at ZEP for existing customers.

Map Space, which previously hosted UNICEF events at ZEP,
was able to increase customer immersion
by showing the existing customer journey as it is.

They also used ZEP’s various games to communicate
with existing customers.
When large-scale online events are held on other platforms
such as Gather town or Zoom,
many people cannot participate due to the limited number of participants,
and technical errors often occur.

In addition, as the number of participants increases,
interaction between participants becomes limited.

However, ZEP is the easiest metaverse platform
that solves all these problems! 👍

🎉 ZEP, the easiest metaverse platform in the world

Up to 150,000 people can join simultaneously without installing a separate app.
So, just a few minutes are enough.
And all you have to do is just click the link. That’s it!

Moreover, all users can interact each other
with diverse games and reaction functions,
such as clapping, dancing.

Although a large number of people join in ZEP,
they can interact as they would in the real world.

Also, a successful large-scale event at ZEP
can turn existing customers into loyal customers
by improving their trust and familiarity with the company.

Furthermore, we can expect a virtuous cycle effect
as they repeat purchases and attract new customers.

Metaverse like ZEP(The easiest metaverse platform for anyone, anywhere, anytime)
is essential for customer retention.

If you want to retain your customers successfully with ZEP,
visit the link below and ask about creating your own space!


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